Ms. Carter's Blog!!

I'm so bad!

Friday, March 02, 2007


Alissa Laughs loud
She also likes to slam books
She brings joy to class.

Summer is the best
Ilike to go swim and shop
All days are weekends.

When summer is said
Different things are thought
Could be girls or sun

The touch is from you
That drives me insane always
Your name gives me chills.

When breaks are needed
Tired of being tired
Enough is enough.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Odyssey Test

1.What have you learned about Greek culture, values, and religion? Address the roles of women and men, honor and virtues, gods and goddesses, etc. (250 words)

While reading the Odyssey, I’ve learned that an offering of goats and lambs was a very good way to bring peace and happiness between people. Greek culture is also very similar to the culture in the biblical days. In the Odyssey there were a lot of celebrations where men would drink and dance and fight but women were at none of them. Drinking wine was a normal thing to do daily for men. The Greeks valued their kings, queens, gods, and goddesses the most. I think that they were valued the most because of the power that they had and the fear that people had of them. For example, Odysseus’ men valued, feared, and respected him but some didn’t even necessarily like him while they were on the boat they betrayed him by opening the bag of wind when he asked them to. Also when Odysseus feared Poseidon and he begged for mercy when he was in the sea and Poseidon brought a storm. The Greeks valued their kings and queens very much, when Odysseus came back, Penelope’s maid kissed his feet. Now in these days many people would do that to no one, so that’s one thing that has changed. Men were considered more important than the men. Like the men were the people who built things, fought in war, worked to get the money and so on. Women were in the background doing the laundry and tending to the children. Even the kings were treated better than the queens on certain occasions.

2. What resonated with you in reading about Odysseus’ adventures? Why? (150 words)

The Odyssey being mainly about love, one thing that resonated with me was how Odysseus slept with two other women numerous times but was scared when he was about to return home when he wasn’t sure if Penelope had been faithful to him. That is just another representation of how men had more privleges than women and could do more things then they could. The same thing happens now. Men can sleep around and cheat on their wives or girlfriends and to other men that can be considered a good thing. When women sleep around they become nasty and they get called names. It’s just not right for a girl to cheat on a boy is really the rule that has always been set for everyone to abide by. Another thing that resonated with me was his passion to get back home but not only so he could be away danger or sleep in his bed but so that he could get back to his wife and son.

3. This epic poem is dated nearly 3000 years ago, why is it still relevant? (150 words)

This poem is still relevant today because it was mainly about love and that is a topic that never gets old, no matter how old or how long ago. The stuff that he goes through still goes on today and the audience likes to hear or read things that they can relate to. Some ladies today have been waiting for their husbands or boyfriends to come home from Iraq since 2001 and many have waited. Those women can relate to how Penelope was feeling waiting for her husband to arrive from his journey. It shows how some men will stop at nothing to fight for something. It also shows the strength of men not only physically but mentally and I think that that is very relevant today because even though there are few men like that, there are some. It reaches the youth because it displays how some children don’t grow up with a father figure and how they hurt in the inside and the out. How Telemachus was always talking about where his father was and when he was coming back. A lot of youth can relate to that now, because a lot of kids and teenagers now don’t grow up with their father or a man in their like at all.

4. How would you characterize the narrator, the fictive "Homer" whose voice we imagine as singing the verses of the Odyssey?

I would characterize Homer as a humble, nice, loving person that loves to write but he’s been hurt before and he’s been through many trials and triumphs and he puts them down on paper into words and uses his voice to share them with everyone.

5. What kinds of behavior are treated as contemptible in the Odyssey?

Killing yourself is treated as hatred in the Odyssey and when you kill yourself you go to hell. When the men fight in the ring or take their anger out by using weapons.

6. How does the poem represent mortal women? Since Penelope is the most important woman in the Odyssey, what qualities does she possess, and how does she respond to the troubles she faces? (Some of the other women are of note, too-Eurycleia the serving woman, the faithless maidservants, Nausicaa the Phaeacian princess, and Helen of Sparta, Menelaus' queen, whose elopement with Prince Paris sparked the Trojan War.)

Penelope possesses good qualities such as patience, faith, respect, kindness, and gratitude. When Penelope faces troubles she deals with them very calmly and doesn’t make a scene and usually keeps it to herself and handles it over time.

7. How do Homer's gods think and behave? How do their actions and motivations differ from the conception of god in other religions of which you have knowledge? What role do the Homeric gods play in human affairs, and what is the responsibility of humans with respect to those gods?

Homer’s gods and goddesses always try to teach you a lesson with almost everything that they do, some are selfish and some are more worried about themselves. The difference between these gods and other gods from other religions is that most gods from other religions can not be seen and are usually statues. Homeric gods can either help humans or hurt humans it’s whatever they decide to do. Humans who respect the gods get respect and help back.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind was a movie that was very different from all the other movies I've seen. The movie basically made me think about my life and if there is anyone in my life that I would erase. Now that I was thinking about it, I came to the conclusion that there's no one in my life that I would erase. I think people are put in your life for a reason and you'll regret erasing it. Just like everyone in the movie was sad/mad when they found out what they did, they probably regret doing what they did. Overall I think the movie was really good, It was a thinking movie that you have to watch six times just to undersatnd the full meaning of it. It also made me think if it was possible to even erase minds. And that would be a good research topic to do. I don't think I woule be able to do that because I think I would really feel guilty knowing that the person would more than likely regret it if they found out that I erased their mind. I believe thatI woule do what Mary did and let everyone know if I was her. Everyone wants to know what happened in their life and I think she did the right thing by sending everyone their tapes back to them to let them know who they erased and why they erased them. It's typically not a moive that I would choose to watch without someone forcing me to do so, but it's also a movie that you get hooked to and want to watch over and over again until you understand it fully. Asking to erase someone out of your mind is probably done out of anger and you're not supposed to act out on anger. I think Jim Carrey was a great actor for this movie, he played the part very well. A movielike this makes you want to watch more movies that this writer or director made because they're so great and mind turning.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006


I believe I have OCD. One thing is my notebook. Everything has to be in the right lace. All the big things go on bottom and it layers according to it's size. Another thing is my closet. all my jeans go to the right and are organized by the shade of blue they are. On the left are all of my shirts that are organized by color that they are. My bed has to be made a certain way, before I get in it. When I wake up I won't make my bed but before I go to sleep at night it has to be make up or I'll make it up. I won't get into an un-made bed. I'm obsessed over gum, whenever I see or hear it, I want some and I don't let anything stop me. I sure didn't let braces stop me. I believe there's more, I just can't think of all of them. If I see a dog, I have to pet it. It's just someting in me that has to know how it feels. I believe that's with a lot of peole but they just don't realize. I like for stuff to be clean that I use. It's more of a pet peeve then beig obsessed.

Monday, October 23, 2006

Thesis Statement

Ms. Chiang, My thesis statement is the successfull modeling career of Tyra Banks. On my paper you wrote 'OK'. I really wanted to work on it with you. Maybe after school or sometime during the class. But I really like the topic of her life because it interests me and you said that it would have to interest me. Maybe you could help me narrow it down. The information that I'm getting is good but the databases under the library site arn't working out for me........HELP ME PLEASE!

Thursday, October 19, 2006

I really don't think I'm handicaped in anything because when I put my head to something I go through with it. But the olt thing that I can think off is maybe swimming, because I can swim but not well enough to do it in a sport. Another is that i could have a disadvantage to someone who's more in shape than I am. I think an advantage that I could have on people (not exactly a good one) is putting people down. I have a high confidence level unlike many American teens so if someone puts me down or talks about me in a bad way, it does'nt hurt me as bad. I really think that there are advantages and disadvantages in everthing that everybody does.

Monday, October 16, 2006

A-Z Autobiography

I am ambidextrous. People refer to me as beautiful. Ever since my childhood I hated cats. Dogs are the best pet ever. Erica is my name and I wouldn't change it for the world! I love the feeling of attention and being wanted. Getting out of bed is the hardest part of life. Being without Brandon is harder than I make it look. I could use a nap everyday in 4th period. I'm amazing at Jenga! I think kite flying should be a sport. Every time I hear Lenae I want to cry and smile. My mom loves me with all of her heart and I can actually tell without her telling me. No one in the world can replace me one and only g-ma. There is no one totally opposite of me, because I like a little bit of everything. hated popcorn even before I got braces. I believe that I am the best quarter back in flag football. Being raised in a big family is the best thing that could happen. I'm single and hating it. Trying to fit in is hard and something that I don't attempt. Umbrella's are pointless and I hate using them. Volleyball is a sport, and anyone who says it isn't has never played real volleyball. Watching a funeral is close to death itself. I knew the word xylophone when I was three because of the flash cards but I had no clue what it was. Being young is cool and I actually enjoy it. Before I die I want to ride a zebra.