Ms. Carter's Blog!!

I'm so bad!

Tuesday, October 31, 2006


I believe I have OCD. One thing is my notebook. Everything has to be in the right lace. All the big things go on bottom and it layers according to it's size. Another thing is my closet. all my jeans go to the right and are organized by the shade of blue they are. On the left are all of my shirts that are organized by color that they are. My bed has to be made a certain way, before I get in it. When I wake up I won't make my bed but before I go to sleep at night it has to be make up or I'll make it up. I won't get into an un-made bed. I'm obsessed over gum, whenever I see or hear it, I want some and I don't let anything stop me. I sure didn't let braces stop me. I believe there's more, I just can't think of all of them. If I see a dog, I have to pet it. It's just someting in me that has to know how it feels. I believe that's with a lot of peole but they just don't realize. I like for stuff to be clean that I use. It's more of a pet peeve then beig obsessed.

Monday, October 23, 2006

Thesis Statement

Ms. Chiang, My thesis statement is the successfull modeling career of Tyra Banks. On my paper you wrote 'OK'. I really wanted to work on it with you. Maybe after school or sometime during the class. But I really like the topic of her life because it interests me and you said that it would have to interest me. Maybe you could help me narrow it down. The information that I'm getting is good but the databases under the library site arn't working out for me........HELP ME PLEASE!

Thursday, October 19, 2006

I really don't think I'm handicaped in anything because when I put my head to something I go through with it. But the olt thing that I can think off is maybe swimming, because I can swim but not well enough to do it in a sport. Another is that i could have a disadvantage to someone who's more in shape than I am. I think an advantage that I could have on people (not exactly a good one) is putting people down. I have a high confidence level unlike many American teens so if someone puts me down or talks about me in a bad way, it does'nt hurt me as bad. I really think that there are advantages and disadvantages in everthing that everybody does.

Monday, October 16, 2006

A-Z Autobiography

I am ambidextrous. People refer to me as beautiful. Ever since my childhood I hated cats. Dogs are the best pet ever. Erica is my name and I wouldn't change it for the world! I love the feeling of attention and being wanted. Getting out of bed is the hardest part of life. Being without Brandon is harder than I make it look. I could use a nap everyday in 4th period. I'm amazing at Jenga! I think kite flying should be a sport. Every time I hear Lenae I want to cry and smile. My mom loves me with all of her heart and I can actually tell without her telling me. No one in the world can replace me one and only g-ma. There is no one totally opposite of me, because I like a little bit of everything. hated popcorn even before I got braces. I believe that I am the best quarter back in flag football. Being raised in a big family is the best thing that could happen. I'm single and hating it. Trying to fit in is hard and something that I don't attempt. Umbrella's are pointless and I hate using them. Volleyball is a sport, and anyone who says it isn't has never played real volleyball. Watching a funeral is close to death itself. I knew the word xylophone when I was three because of the flash cards but I had no clue what it was. Being young is cool and I actually enjoy it. Before I die I want to ride a zebra.

Monday, October 02, 2006


When I die I think people will miss us and I don't know if we will realize it or not. When I die I want to be buried so that my friends and family can always pay visits to me and give me flowers and know that I am close by. I would rather not give my body to science because to me thats like just giving my life away, even though its already gone thats how I see it. If I was cremated I really don't think that makes any sense cause what if someone dropped it or if the house burned down. I just think that being buried is the best solution. When we die I think that our souls either go to heaven or hell depending on how our lives were on earth. Me being a Christian thats how I was raised and thats what I believe.