I believe I have OCD. One thing is my notebook. Everything has to be in the right lace. All the big things go on bottom and it layers according to it's size. Another thing is my closet. all my jeans go to the right and are organized by the shade of blue they are. On the left are all of my shirts that are organized by color that they are. My bed has to be made a certain way, before I get in it. When I wake up I won't make my bed but before I go to sleep at night it has to be make up or I'll make it up. I won't get into an un-made bed. I'm obsessed over gum, whenever I see or hear it, I want some and I don't let anything stop me. I sure didn't let braces stop me. I believe there's more, I just can't think of all of them. If I see a dog, I have to pet it. It's just someting in me that has to know how it feels. I believe that's with a lot of peole but they just don't realize. I like for stuff to be clean that I use. It's more of a pet peeve then beig obsessed.